Minutes 11/97

The meeting was called to order by President Nietman at 1:10pm. Members absent: Chris Krumenauer, Kelly Borman, Josh Kaul, and Matt Merrill (again). Guest in attendance: Yogi Lilly.

  1. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Policy Board newsletter containing the election results is available. Chris' ballot was never received.
  2. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The Minutes were read by the few members present. MOTION to accept (Hoffman/Feeney), Carries.
  3. 1997-98 JUNIOR/VETERAN'S OPEN PROGRESS REPORT: Chris doesn't have an entry count yet. He is waiting for the new USCF ratings disk.
  5. 1998 ARPAD ELO OPEN PROGRESS REPORT: April 4-5, 1998, Mike Nietman called the Holiday Inn, Eau Claire. The same rooms as the State Closed are available, all comp. Yogi Lilly enters a bid too, same dates. MOTION to accept the Eau Claire bid (noel), motion dies for a lack of a second. MOTION to accept Yogi's bid (Feeney/ Brzezinski) Carries, 4-0-1
  6. 1998 STATE CLOSED BIDS: Mike Nietman enters a site bid for U.W. Oshkosh. MOTION to accept (Feeney/ Brzezinski), carries.
  7. 1996-97 SASP REVIEW: Mike Nietman handed out copies of the 96-97 SASP budget. He then handed out copies of the 97-98 proposed budget. MOTION to accept the 97-98 budget, (Hoffman/Noel), Carries.
  8. WCA TOUR UPDATE: Matt Merrill is being replaced as tour statistician. Jerry Noel will take over.