The meeting was called to order at 1:25 with Kelly Borman absent.
- ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Betaneli/Serper school drew 35 students on Saturday with a similar amount on Sunday. They will try to have another school again in the future. 2) The Gruenhagen has increased the cost of the room from $195 to $218. 3) SASP report has been submitted. $565.40 was received and deposited. 4). $1000 has been received from Scott Kittsley to augment the upset prize.
- MINUTES: MOTION (WP/GH) to accept as corrected, CARRIES.
- USCF UPDATE: Policy Board meeting excerpts; rating revisions now have a minimum rating of 100, rating floors drop 100 points more. A sliding K factor for lower rated players to get them up to reasonable ratings faster. New classes are added, F,G,H,I,J. FINANCES; a $260,000 loss. 1143 Wisconsin members.
- TREASURERS REPORT: Chris gives his report on the financial status, nothing in depth, he will have a detailed report for the Membership meeting. 2) Prize fund discussion centered around based-on vs. Guaranteed. 3) MOTION (CK/YL) to limit the Merit Award to one per organizer per USCF fiscal year (6/1-5/31), CARRIES 5-2-1. Nietman and Merrill against, Noel abstains. We are not a charity, Krumenauer. Add a qualifier that the event must lose at least $1000, Noel. This goes into effect June 1, 1997.
- 1996 NCO FINAL REPORT: Chris hands out report, There it is. Argh! Hoffman. MOTION to accept, (Noel, Hoffman), Carries.
- 1996 SCHRAMM FINAL REPORT: There was a loss of $40.96. MOTION to accept, (Peters, Noel), Carries.
- 1997 ARPAD ELO OPEN: There was a bid for a tournament in Whitewater with Matt Roeder and Brian Brzyzinski directing, MOTION to accept, (Krummy/Peters), Motion fails, 1-5-2. Krummy in favor, Kaul and Lilly abstain. MOTION to commend them on their creative bid, (Merrill/Krummy), Passes, 6-0-2, Hoffman, Peters abstain.
- 1997 STATE PROGRESS REPORT: The TLA has been sent in. There was discussion about the round times and the prize fund.
- BYLAWS CHANGE: The bylaws committee met before the Board meeting, and will propose a few changes to the WCA Bylaws at the next meeting.
- POST OFFICE RENEWAL: Tabled until the next meeting.
- BADGER CHESS SUBSIDY: MOTION TO continue, Carries, 6-1-1. Krummy against, Noel abstains. There are 2 issues to finish 1996. The 1996 installment was paid in 11/95. MOTION to send $100 with $100 set aside based upon Badger Chess performance Carries, 6-1-1. Krummy against, Peters abstains.
- WCA WEBSITE INFO: Matt reports that the website is up and running. Organizers will be advised to put the web address on flyers, and send Matt information for tournaments. WWW.CEW.WISC.EDU/WCA/
- OTHER OLD BUSINESS: There was discussion about the tour calendar. Nothing unusual.
- 1997 NORTH CENTRAL OPEN BIDS: postponed, no interest.
- ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: members up for election; Noel, Lilly, Peters.
- NEXT MEETING: after the Membership meeting in Eau Claire, 3:00pm.
- Motion to make the Junior Open a 2 section event, (Kaul,) Motion dies for lack of a second. Mike Nietman will survey at the scholastic.
- Motion to raise the WCA dues to $5 per year, with free membership to any player that plays in a WCA event, (Noel/Hoffman), Motion to amend; (Krummy) to add a lifetime membership for $25 with no magazine, Carries, 8-0-0.
- MOTION TO ADJOURN, (Peters), Carries.