Event Calendar

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2016 Arpad Elo

 Chula Vista Resort, 2501 River Road, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965.
855-388-4782, HR: $85 (mention chess).


In 3 Sections, Open: EF $45 received by 5-12, $5 more at site.

$$b/25 $400-$225-A $150- U1800 $140. 


Reserve(U1800): EF $30 received by 5-12, $5 more at site.

$$b/25 $110-$95-C $75-U1400 $75.


RBO: (U1200) $15 received by 5-12, $5 more at site. 
1st $50, trophies to 1-2-U900-U700.

TC: RD 1 G/90; d10, 
RD 2-5 30/90, SD/60 d10.

RDS.: 10-2:00-7:30, 10-3:30.


ENT: Guy Hoffman, 1305D Tompkins Dr., Madison, WI 53716, 

INFO: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. www.wischess.org. 
WCA Tour Event! W.